STILL TOO SAD TO TELL YOU is directly inspired by I AM TOO SAD TO TELL YOU, a video self-portrait by artist Bas Jan Ader. Anne-Cécile Vandalem pays homage to this almost five decades old motif and transforms this in a immersive installation made up of several portraits—women, men and children, some actors, some not, famous or unknown. Ten screens invite you to an intimate experience where tears, as they are put on display, also beg to be collected. Faces may become stages and landscapes depending on whether your vision blurs, a tear forms, you break into tears or sob, you cry a river or a torrent, you wipe or share your tears, in silence, in gasps, in deep sighs, loud, short or long cries interspersed with words, whole or truncated, whether you suffocate or drown…


so many faces offered and tears shed.


STILL TOO SAD TO TELL YOU is the counterpoint to TRISTESSES, Das Fräulein Kompanie’s subsequent production. This small-scale installation locates the topic on a strictly individual level and unveils the aesthetic power of solitary lachrymal manifestations.


Installation displayed on XS festival 26, 27 & 28 March 2015 at Théâtre National, Brussels.


Théâtre National
Das Fräulein Kompanie